What is Network Connecting Devices? Definitions | Uses

What is Network Connecting Devices

The device which is used to interchange data information between the server to the workstation (client) is called Network Connecting Devices. It is also use to interchange data information between Computer Network.


The electronics device which receives a weak signal and converts it into the strong signal. Repeaters are used to extend transmissions.
  • A repeater receives a signal and before it becomes too weak or corrupted, regenerates the original bit pattern.
  • Repeaters operate only in the physical layer.
  • It is layer one device.


Hub is a Networking Connecting Device which has many ports that connect to the server with a workstation PC.
  • It is a broadcast device
  • It operates at the physical layer
  • It is not an intelligent device
  • It simply broadcasts the incoming packet.
  • It cannot be used as a repeater.
  • Not a sophisticated device
  • Not very costly
  • There are three main types of Hubs. [continue reading...]


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