Network Topologies

Network Topologies

network topologies
Network topologies are the patterns of computers in the network. It is the physical layout of the terminals, links and computers in the network. Network topologies are several types. Some topologies used in LAN are as follows:
  • Bus or linear topology
  • Star topology
  • Ring topology
  • Mesh topology
  • Hybrid topology

Bus or linear topology

Bus Topology
In this topology, all the computers are connected to a common cable called trunk. Its each end has a terminator and the terminator stops the flow of data out of bus. In this network, if the cable breaks it affects the whole network. There is maximum chance of collision of data.

Star Topology

Star Topology
In this topology all the computers are connected to a master computer called server. In this type of network, the server controls all the other computers. This is the most commonly used topology in LAN. In this network, if the central point (server) fails, the whole network fails but the failure of one computer doesn’t affect the rest of the network. There is no chance of data collision. [Read Full Article]


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